The Forever Foreigner: The Impact of Politics & Media on Asian Americans
Producers: Evan Imata, Henry Jia, Bora Kim, Nina Le, Jiho Lee
Description: This podcast is about the relationship between politics, the media, and racism against Asian Americans. We analyze this relationship in the modern context, as well as decades in the past, and compare the similarities and differences between different eras. This podcast features Henry Jia, Nina Le, and Evan Imata. Members Jiho Lee and Bora Kim were unable to make it to the recording, but helped in the planning and writing of the project. The podcast includes interview clips with Mitch Maki, the President of the Go For Broke Education Center in Los Angeles, California. Statistics and ideas were also referenced in the podcast from the Pew Research Center, articles from the Harvard Business Review, and peer-reviewed journals by writers such as Stephen M. Croucher, Angela R. Gover, Harvey L. Nicholson, Tyler T. Reny, and Matt A. Barreto.