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Refugee to Deportee Pipeline: The “Good” vs “Bad” immigrant and Southeast Asian Youth Deportation

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Producers: Jennifer Li, Joselin Hartanto, Morgan Lee, Priya Venugopal, Vincent Le

Description: Our podcast centers around the topic of the “Good immigrant” and the “Bad immigrant” and how these stereotypes connect to and impact the disproportionately high level of deportation amongst the Southeast Asian community in the United States. We look into the historical context that contributed to the current societal status of not only the Southeast Asian community, but other groups who were forced to migrate to the US as refugees. We discuss the model minority and yellow peril stereotypes and these connect the general themes of our podcast. We also provide two separate interviews, each providing a different perspective on the topic of deportation, and provide our insight on the topics addressed in the interview. To wrap up the podcast, we go into depth about the different circumstances behind Southeast Asian deportation, and give our closing thoughts on our experiences with the podcast.