Interviewing Leila Gorospe-Hays
Leila Gorospe-Hays is a retired Filipino nurse based in the Bay Area. In this interview, Leila discusses her Filipino-American upbringing, path to becoming a nurse, and experience being a frontline health care worker during COVID.
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Keywords: Filipino, Filipino-American, nurse, immigration, COVID, vaccines, vaccine education
00:00:25 Filipino-American identity
00:01:35 Cultural differences and authority
00:07:05 What it means to be a Filipino immigrant, Philip Vera Cruz
00:11:49 Growing up in the Philippines
00:17:09 Religious strife and conflict in the Philippines
00:20:06 Career journey of becoming a nurse
00:26:00 Pursuing American dream, Filipino nurse representation
00:31:05 Nurse experience during COVID
00:40:11 Importance of vaccine education