HeRe Is mY COvId hIsToRy
Photo Source Pixabay: Empty Fields Football
By CSVK, 13 yrs old
Covid was interesting. I’ve spent my 12-13th years in covid. I got to spend way more time with my family but rarely got to see friends. Life slowed down. I want Covid to end, but at the same time I know I'm going to miss it. I’ve been in my bed for probably 72% of covid, and I’ve probably had an unhealthy amount of screen time.
In the beginning, neither I nor my classmates thought covid would last as long as it has. We thought it would last maybe two to three weeks, then we could go back to normal. It was weird being on zoom for the first time. It’s crazy to see how much we’ve gotten accustomed to zoom, and having everything on screen as a whole.
There were that 7 months where it felt like I didn’t see anybody except my parents, and sister. It got to the point that it wouldn’t be surprising to not leave your house for a week! The only interaction with the world was on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. Masks are probably the most annoying thing about covid. They are something I will not miss. They tug at your ears and just stretch your face in unwanted ways. It is very annoying.
To also think about how this pandemic has hit the whole world, and that every person in the world has to deal with this virus is crazy. I’ve played baseball during covid and it was interesting to see how little league dealt with it. We had to wear a mask the whole time, and there were a couple of kids that you only saw their faces after a whole month of playing with them.
For that first 5 months, I didn’t see anybody my age but slowly as covid started to dive down, I saw a couple of friends but masked and outside. It is crazy to think how a virus that we shrugged off in December of 2019 has made such an impact on all of our lives. Before covid, I would have loved to be able to go to school at home, but now I miss it and I’m super excited for when school starts, and for when I can get back to all the things I like to do without covid restrictions.
I’ve seen only a couple of friends outside of sports, and I’m excited to see all of my classmates and teachers. But, at the same time, I want to savor this time because I know most likely nothing like this will happen again in my lifetime.